Google Cloud Builder pipeline integration

Use the Google Cloud builder to create Docker images in Codefresh pipelines

Google Cloud builder is an online service that allows you to build Docker images using the Google infrastructure and also push them to the Google Cloud registry.

You can also use Cloud builder in a Codefresh pipeline in place of the standard build step. This way you can take advantage of the Cloud builder in your Codefresh pipelines, but still push to other registries that are connected to Codefresh (and not just GCR).


To use the Cloud builder service in your Codefresh pipeline you need:

  1. A free Docker Hub account and Docker Hub connected to Codefresh.
  2. A Google Cloud subscription and a service account for the Cloud builder service.

Save your service account as a JSON file, and make sure you select at least the following roles:

  • Cloud storage Admin
  • Storage Admin
  • Storage Object Viewer
  • Storage Object Creator

You will use this JSON file either by integrating a Google Docker registry in Codefresh, or directly in a pipeline as we will see later.

How it works

The Google Cloud builder integration/authentication can be used in the following ways:

  1. Authentication is retrieved from the GCR integration in your Codefresh account, and the resulting Docker image:
  2. Authentication is defined in the pipeline itself, and the resulting image can be pushed to any registry connected to Codefresh

In the first case, you will define the service account file centrally in the GCR integration screen, and then any pipeline can authenticate to Google Cloud builder without any further configuration.

Using the JSON service account in Codefresh

Using the JSON service account in Codefresh

Using Google Cloud builder in a Codefresh pipeline

In the most straightforward scenario, you want to create a Docker image with Google Cloud builder and also push to GCR.

Using Google cloud builder in Codefresh

Using Google cloud builder in Codefresh

Here is the full pipeline:


version: '1.0'
    title: Cloning main repository...
    type: git-clone
    repo: 'codefresh-contrib/golang-sample-app'
    revision: master
    git: github
    title: Building Docker Image
    type: build
    image_name: my-golang-image
    working_directory: ./
    tag: slim
    registry: gcr
    dockerfile: Dockerfile.multistage
      type: gcb
          repo: "my-kaniko-cache"
          ttl: "10h"

The build step of the pipeline has an extra property, provider, that specifies we want to use Cloud builder instead of the Codefresh native build step.

The only required argument is the repository to be used for Kaniko caching and speed up subsequent builds.

The Kaniko repo should NOT be the same as the repository used for the image itself.

Inspecting an image from Google Cloud build

Inspecting an image from Google Cloud build

After runing the pipeline, you will see your Docker image in the Image dashboard.

The Docker image is also visible in the Google Cloud Console view of your registry.

Pushing to a different registry

Even though the Cloud builder pipeline step authentication is fetched from the GCR configuration, you don’t have to push to GCR. To push the Docker image to another connected registry, simply change the registry property in the build step.

The pipeline in the example below pushes the Docker image created to another registry that is identified by Azure.


version: '1.0'
    title: Cloning main repository...
    type: git-clone
    repo: 'codefresh-contrib/golang-sample-app'
    revision: master
    git: github
    title: Building Docker Image
    type: build
    image_name: my-golang-image
    working_directory: ./
    tag: slim
    registry: azure
    dockerfile: Dockerfile.multistage
      type: gcb
          repo: "my-kaniko-cache"
          ttl: "10h"

Authenticating to Cloud Builder in the pipeline

If you don’t want to reuse the Registry integration provided by Codefresh for easy authentication to Google Cloud builder, you can also use your service account JSON file directly in the pipeline.

You can pass the contents of the JSON file as a variable in the pipeline and the build step will use it to authenticate.


version: '1.0'
    title: Cloning main repository...
    type: git-clone
    repo: 'codefresh-contrib/golang-sample-app'
    revision: master
    git: github
    title: Building Docker Image
    type: build
    image_name: my-golang-image
    working_directory: ./
    tag: slim
    registry: azure
    dockerfile: Dockerfile.multistage
      type: gcb
        google_app_creds: '${{G_CREDS_B64}}'
          repo: "my-kaniko-cache"
          ttl: "10h"

Here the pipeline will try to authenticate to Google Cloud builder using the contents of the google_app_creds property.

The value of this property can be a pipeline variable, or project variable or any other standard Codefresh method such as shared configuration.

You need to escape the contents of the service account before you use in the pipeline with either of these commands on your local workstation:

  • cat _json_key_file | base64 | tr -d ‘\n’
  • cat _json_key_file | base64 -w 0

Using extra properties for Google Cloud builder

The build step has several other properties can be used to fine-tune the Google Cloud builder behavior.

Here is the full syntax:

  type: build
  title: Step Title
  description: Free text description
  working_directory: ${{clone_step_name}}
  dockerfile: path/to/Dockerfile
  image_name: owner/new-image-name
  tag: develop
    - key=value
  target: stage1
  no_cache: false
  no_cf_cache: false
  fail_fast: false
  registry: my-registry
    type: gcb
      google_app_creds: '${{G_CREDS_B64}}'
        repo: "repositoryname/kaniko-cache"
        ttl: "10h"
      timeout: "600s"
      machineType: 'N1_HIGHCPU_8'
      logsBucket: "gs://your-project_cloudbuild/logs"
      diskSizeGb: 10


The extra fields are:

Field Description Required/Optional/Default
type Defines which provider to use (currently gcb and cf types are available). It uses cf provider by default and the whole provider section can be omitted for a regular build step. Required
arguments Parameters for Google Cloud builder Required
google_app_creds base64 encoded string of the Google app credentials JSON. By default, taken from the existing GCR integration. Optional
cache The list of Kaniko cache parameters Required
repo Docker repository path for the Kaniko cache Required
ttl Kaniko cache retention. Default value is 336h Optional
timeout This field is directly translated into the corresponding field of the GCB manifest file. Default is 10m Optional
machineType This field is directly translated into the corresponding field of the GCB manifest file. Optional
diskSizeGb This field is directly translated into the corresponding field of the GCB manifest file . Optional
logsBucket This field is directly translated into the corresponding field of the GCB manifest file. Optional

The step also accepts all the fields of the standard build step, but notice that the following fields are not supported in the current implementation and simply ignored by the GCB step logic:

  • no_cache
  • All the buildkit related fields

Here is an example that uses all possible fields:


    type: build
    image_name: '${{IMAGE_NAME}}'
    working_directory: ${{CloneStep}}
    tag: your-tag1
     - your-tag2
     - your-tag3
    target: 'test'
    no_cf_cache: false
        - qa: pending
      - WORD=Hello
    registry: 'reg-integration-name'
      content: |-
        FROM alpine as test
        RUN apk add skopeo
        ARG WORD
        RUN echo $WORD
      type: gcb
        google_app_creds: '${{G_CREDS_B64}}'
          repo: "repositoryname/kaniko-cache"
          ttl: "10h"
        timeout: "600s"
        machineType: 'N1_HIGHCPU_8'
        logsBucket: "gs://your-project_cloudbuild/logs"
        diskSizeGb: 10

Creating pipelines
Steps in pipelines
Google Container Registry integration
Build and push an image example