Approval step

How to pause pipelines for manual approval

The approval step allows you to pause a pipeline and wait for human intervention before going on.

Manual Approval step

Manual Approval step

Some example scenarios for using the approval step:

  • Pause before deploying to production
  • Pause before destroying an environment
  • Pause for some manual smoke tests or metric collection



  type: pending-approval
  title: Step Title
  description: Step description
    duration: 2
    finalState: approved
    timeUnit: minutes
      only: [ master ]


Field Description Required/Optional/Default
title The free-text display name of the step. Optional
description A basic, free-text description of the step. Optional
timeout Defines an automatic approval/rejection if a specified amount of time has passed. The duration field is hours. By default it is set to 168 (i.e, 7 days). The finalState field defines what will happen after the duration time has elapsed. Possible values are approved/denied/terminated Optional
timeUnit This field defines possible options of minutes, or hours. If the field is not set, the default is hours Optional
fail_fast Determines pipeline execution behavior in case of step failure.
  • true: The default, terminates pipeline execution upon step failure. The Build status returns `Failed to execute`.
  • false: Continues pipeline execution upon step failure. The Build status returns Build completed successfully.
    To change the Build status, set strict_fail_fast to true.
strict_fail_fast Specifies how to report the Build status fail_fast is set to false.
  • true: Returns a Build status of failed on step failure.
  • false: Returns a Build status of successful regardless of step failures.
NOTE: strict_fail_fast does not impact the Build status reported for parallel steps with fail_fast enabled. Even if a child step fails, the parallel step itself is considered successful. See also Handling error conditions in a pipeline.
stage Parent group of this step. See using stages for more information. Optional
when Define a set of conditions that need to be satisfied in order to execute this step. You can find more information in the conditional execution of steps article. Optional

Pausing the Pipeline

Once the pipeline reaches an approval step it will stop. At this point it does not consume any resources. In the Codefresh UI you will see the Approve/Reject buttons.

Build waiting for input

Build waiting for input

Once you click any of them the pipeline will continue. Further steps in the pipeline can be enabled/disabled according to the approval result.

Automatic Approvals/Rejections

By default, a pipeline that contains an approval step will pause for 7 days (168 hours) onces it reaches that step. If you want some automatic action to happen after a specified time period you can define it in advance with the timeout property:


version: '1.0'
   type: pending-approval
   title: Deploy to Production?
     duration: 2
     finalState: denied

This pipeline will wait for approval for two hours. If somebody approves it, it will continue. If nothing happens after two hours the approval step will be automatically rejected.

Approval Restrictions

By default, any Codefresh user can approve any pipeline that is paused at the approval state. If you want to restrict the approval action to a subset of people, you can use the access control capabilities that Codefresh provides.

This is a two-step process. First you need to tag your pipeline with one or more tags (tag names are arbitrary). You can edit tags in the pipeline settings screen.

Marking a pipeline with tags

Marking a pipeline with tags

Once you have tagged your pipelines you can create one or more access rules that restrict approval to specific teams within your organization.

Rules for approvals

Rules for approvals

Keeping the Shared Volume after approval

As soon as a pipeline starts waiting for an approval, all contents of the shared Codefresh volume are lost. Once the pipeline continues to run, all files that were created manually inside the volume are not available any more.

If you want to keep any temporary files that were there before the approval, you need to enable the respective policy in your pipeline settings.

You can either set this option per pipeline, or globally in your account in the Codefresh UI through Pipeline Settings.

Preserve Codefresh volume after an approval

Preserve Codefresh volume after an approval

NOTE If you do decide to keep the volume after an approval, and you are using the SaaS version of Codefresh, the pipeline will still count as “running” against your pricing plan. If you don’t keep the volume, the pipeline is stopped/paused while it is waiting for approval and doesn’t count against your pricing plan. We advise you to keep the volume only for pipelines that really need this capability.

If you use the Codefresh Runner and your Runner is set up with local volumes, then the volume will only be present if the dind pod is scheduled in the same node once the pipeline resumes. Otherwise the volume will not be reused.

Controlling the rejection behavior

By default if you reject a pipeline, it will stop right away and it will be marked as failed. All subsequent steps after the approval one will not run at all.

You might want to continue running the pipeline even when one of the steps fail execution by adding the fail_fast property in the approval step. In this case, you can also add the strict-fail_fast flag to specify if the build status at the end of execution should return failed instead of successful which is the default.


version: '1.0'
   fail_fast: false
   strict_fail_fast: true
   type: pending-approval
   title: Deploy to Production?

You can also read the approval result and make the pipeline work differently according to each choice (demonstrated in the following section).

Getting the Approval Result

As also explained in step dependencies, all steps in the Codefresh pipeline belong to a global object called steps (indexed by name). You can read the result property for an approval step to see if it was approved or rejected.

Here is an example:


version: '1.0'
   type: pending-approval
   title: Destroy QA environment?
   image: alpine:3.8
   title: Destroying env
   - echo "Destroy command running"
     - name: askForPermission
       - approved

In this example, the second step that destroys an environment will only run if the user approves the first step. In case of rejection the second step is skipped.

You can follow the same pattern for running steps when an approval step was rejected. Here is a full example with both cases.


version: '1.0'
- prepare
- yesPleaseDo
- noDont

   image: alpine:3.8
   title: building chart
   stage: prepare
   - echo "prepare"
   fail_fast: false
   type: pending-approval
   title: Should we deploy to prod
   stage: prepare
   image: alpine:3.8
   title: prepare environment
   stage: yesPleaseDo
   - echo "world"
     - name: deployToProdNow
       - approved
   image: alpine:3.8
   title: deploy to production
   stage: yesPleaseDo
   - echo "world"
     - name: deployToProdNow
       - approved
   image: alpine:3.8
   title: prepare environment
   stage: noDont
   - echo "world"
     - name: deployToProdNow
       - denied
   image: alpine:3.8
   title: deploy to staging
   stage: noDont
   - echo "world"
     - name: deployToProdNow
       - denied         

Here is the pipeline state after a rejection:

Rejecting a pipeline

Rejecting a pipeline

We have added the fail_fast property in the approval step because we want the pipeline to continue even when the step is rejected.

You can see that only two steps were ignored. If you rerun the pipeline and approve it, the other two steps will be ignored.

Define Concurrency Limits

Codefresh has the ability to limit the amount of running builds for a specific pipeline with several concurrency policies in the pipeline settings. You can choose if a build pending approval state counts against the concurrency limits or not.

As an example let’s say that the concurrency limit for a specific pipeline is set to 2. Currently there is one active/running build and a second build that is pending approval.

  1. If the pipeline settings define that builds in pending approval count against concurrency, then if you launch a third build it will wait until one of the first two has finished
  2. If the pipeline settings define that builds in pending approval do not count against concurrency, then if you launch a third build it will execute right away.

There isn’t a correct or wrong way to set this option. It depends on your organization and if your consider builds pending approval as “active” or not.

You can either set this option per pipeline, or globally for an in the Codefresh UI through Pipeline Settings.

Slack integration

If you also enable Slack integration in Codefresh you will have the choice of approving/rejecting a pipeline via a Slack channel

Approval step in a slack channel

Approval step in a slack channel

To enable this behavior, you need to activate it in the Slack settings page:

Slack settings

Slack settings

Also, if you run a pipeline manually that includes an approval step, you should select the Report notification of pipeline execution option as explained in Monitoring Pipelines.

Post-step operations
Advanced workflows
Conditional execution of steps
Creating pipelines