Codefresh API pipeline integration

Integrate Codefresh CI pipelines with other systems

Codefresh offers a comprehensive API that you can use to integrate with any other application or solution you already have.

The full details of the API are documented at

Using the Codefresh API

You can use the API in various ways:

The Codefresh API is updated when new features are added in the Codefresh platform so you can expect any new functionality to appear in the API as well.

Ways to use the Codefresh API

There are several ways to use the API. Some of the most popular ones are:

  1. Triggering builds from another system. You can start a Codefresh pipeline from any other internal system that you already have in your organization.
  2. Getting the status of builds in another system.
  3. Creating pipelines externally. You don’t have to use the Codefresh UI to create pipelines. You can create them programmatically using your favorite template mechanism. You can reuse pipelines using your own custom implementation if you have special needs in your organization.

You can browse the current API at

Browsing the Codefresh API

Browsing the Codefresh API

For each call you will also see an example with curl.

Authentication instructions

  1. Log in to your Codefresh account, and from your avatar dropdown, select User Settings.
  2. Scroll down to API Keys.
  3. To create a new API key, click Generate, and do the following:
    • Key Name: Enter the name of the key, preferable one that will help you remember its purpose. The token is tied to your Codefresh account and should be considered sensitive information.
    • Scopes: Select the required access scopes.
  4. Copy the token to your clipboard.
  5. Click Create.

Generating a key for the API

Generating a key for the API

From the same screen you can also revoke keys if you don’t need them anymore.

Access scopes

The following resources can be targeted with the API:

The scopes available for each resource differ according to the type of resource.

Using the API Key with the Codefresh CLI

Once you have the key, use it in the Codefresh CLI:

codefresh auth create-context <context-name> --api-key <your_key_here>

Now the Codefresh CLI is fully authenticated. The key is stored in ~/.cfconfig so you only need to run this command once. The CLI can also work with multiple authentication contexts so you can manage multiple Codefresh accounts at the same time.

Example: Triggering pipelines

You can trigger any pipeline in Codefresh and even pass extra environment variables (even if they are not declared in the UI).

Triggering a pipeline via the Codefresh CLI:

codefresh run kostis-codefresh/nestjs-example/ci-build -b master -t nestjs-example-trigger-name

You can pass extra environment variables as well:

codefresh run kostis-codefresh/nestjs-example/ci-build -b master -t nestjs-example-trigger-name -v sample-var1=sample1 -v SAMPLE_VAR2=SAMPLE2

For the API, you can trigger a pipeline by finding its serviceId from the UI

curl '' --compressed -H 'content-type:application/json; charset=utf-8' -H 'Authorization: <your_key_here>' --data-binary '{"serviceId":"5b1a78d1bdbf074c8a9b3458","type":"build","repoOwner":"kostis-codefresh","branch":"master","repoName":"nestjs-example"}'

You can also pass extra environment variables using an array

curl '' --compressed -H 'content-type:application/json; charset=utf-8' -H 'Authorization: <your_key_here>' --data-binary '{"serviceId":"5b1a78d1bdbf074c8a9b3458","type":"build","repoOwner":"kostis-codefresh","branch":"master","repoName":"nestjs-example","variables":{"sample-var1":"sample1","SAMPLE_VAR2":"SAMPLE2"}}'

Example: Getting status from builds

You can get the status of a build from the CLI by using the build ID:

codefresh get builds 5b4f927dc70d080001536fe3

Same thing with the API:

curl -X GET --header "Accept: application/json" --header "Authorization: <your_key_here>" ""

Example: Creating Codefresh pipelines externally

Codefresh has a great UI for creating pipelines for each of your projects. If you wish, you can also create pipelines programmatically in an external manner. This allows you to use your own templating solution for re-using pipelines and creating them from an external system.

First you need a YAML file that defines the pipeline. This is a pipeline specification.

It is also very easy to create a a dummy pipeline in the Codefresh UI and then get its specification by running codefresh get pipeline my-project/my-pipeline -o yaml > my-pipeline-spec.yml

Here is an example:

Pipeline Spec

version: '1.0'
kind: pipeline
  name: my-project/my-basic-pipeline
  description: my description
    key1: value1
    key2: value2
    applicationPort: '8080'
  project: my-project
    - type: git
      provider: github
      name: my-trigger
      repo: kostis-codefresh/nestjs-example
        - push
      branchRegex: /./
  contexts: []
    - key: PORT
      value: 5000
      encrypted: false
    - key: SECRET
      value: "secret-value"
      encrypted: true
      title: Cloning main repository...
      type: git-clone
      repo: '${{CF_REPO_OWNER}}/${{CF_REPO_NAME}}'
      revision: '${{CF_REVISION}}'
      git: github-1
      title: Listing files
      image: 'alpine:latest'
        - ls -l
  stages: []

Save this spec into a file with an arbitrary name like my-pipeline-spec.yml. First create the new project (if it doesn’t exist already):

codefresh create project my-project

Then you can create the pipeline with the cli

codefresh create pipeline -f my-pipeline-spec.yml

And your pipeline will be available in the GUI

Created Pipeline

New pipeline created

Notice that you must prefix the name of the pipeline with your username and repository so that it becomes visible in the GUI under the correct project.

Example: Referencing shared configuration contexts

Use shared configuration contexts in your pipelines by referencing it in the pipeline’s YAML. This method is an alternative to importing the shared configuration contexts with the variables to use from the UI.

Add the spec.contexts field followed by the name or names of the shared configuration context or contexts to use.

Referencing shared configuration contexts with spec.contexts only works programmatically via the CLI/API.
The UI-based YAML options (inline YAML, Use YAML from Repository/URL) do not support this.

If you have a shared configuration named test-hello that includes the variable test=hello, you can add spec.contexts.test-hello to the pipeline YAML, and then reference this variable in the pipeline as you would any other variable.

version: "1.0"
kind: pipeline
  name: default/test-shared-config-from-pipe-spec
    - test-hello
      image: alpine
        - echo ${{test}} # should output "hello"

Full pipeline specification

If you don’t want to create a pipeline from an existing one, you can also create your own YAML from scratch.
The following sections contain an explanation of the fields.

Codefresh automatically generates additional fields, usually fields with dates and internal ID numbers. While you cannot edit these fields, you can view them by exporting the pipeline.

Top level fields

Field name Parent field Type Value
version   string Always '1.0'
kind   string Always pipeline
metadata   object Holds various meta-information
spec   object Holds the pipeline definition and other related information

Metadata fields

Field name Parent field Type Value
name metadata string the full pipeline name should be formatted project_name/pipeline_name
project metadata string the project that contains this pipeline
originalYamlString metadata string the full contents of the pipeline editor. Only kept for archival purposes
labels metadata object Holds the tags array
tags labels array A list of access control tags for this pipeline
description metadata string Human readable description of the pipeline
isPublic metadata boolean If true, the pipeline logs will be public even for non-authenticated users
template metadata boolean If true, this pipeline will be listed as a template when creating a new pipeline

Example of metadata:

Pipeline Spec

version: '1.0'
kind: pipeline
  name: project_name/pipeline_name
  project: project_name
      - tag1
      - tag2
  description: pipeline description here
  isPublic: false
    isTemplate: false

Spec fields

Field name Parent field Type Value
steps spec object The pipeline steps to be executed
stages spec array The pipeline stages for a better visual overview
variables spec array List of variables defined in the pipeline itself
contexts spec array Variable sets imported from shared configuration
runtimeEnvironment spec array where to execute this pipeline
terminationPolicy spec array Termination settings of this pipeline
concurrency spec number How many instances of this pipeline can run at the same time
triggerConcurrency spec number How many instances of this pipeline can run at the same time per trigger
branchConcurrency spec number How many instances of this pipeline can run at the same time per branch
externalResources spec array Optional external files available to this pipeline
triggers spec array a list of Git triggers that affect this pipeline
options spec object Extra options for the pipeline
enableNotifications options boolean if false the pipeline will not send notifications to Slack and status updates back to the Git provider

Pipeline variables

The variables array has entries with the following fields:

Field name Parent field Type Value
key variables string Name of the variable
value variables string Raw value
encrypted variables boolean if true the value is stored encrypted

Example of variables:

Pipeline Spec

    - key: my-key
      value: my-value
      encrypted: false
    - key: my-second-variable
      value: '*****'
      encrypted: true

Encrypted variables cannot be read back by exporting the pipeline.

Runtime environment

The runtimeEnvironment selects the cluster that will execute the pipeline (mostly useful for organizations using the Codefresh Runner)

Field name Parent field Type Value
name runtimeEnvironment string Name the environment as connected by the runner
cpu runtimeEnvironment string CPU share using Kubernetes notation
memory runtimeEnvironment string memory share using Kubernetes notation
dindStorage runtimeEnvironment string storage size using Kubernetes notation

Example of metadata:

Pipeline Spec

    name: my-aws-runner/cf
    cpu: 2000m
    memory: 800Mi
    dindStorage: nullGi

External resources

The externalResources field is an array of objects that hold external resource information.

Field name Parent field Type Value
type externalResources string Only git is supported
source externalResources string Source folder or file path in Git repo
context externalResources string Name of Git provider to be used
destination externalResources string Target folder or file path to be copied to
isFolder externalResources boolean if true path is a folder, else it is a single file
repo externalResources string git repository name for the trigger. should be in format of git_repo_owner/git_repo_name
revision externalResources string branch name or git hash to checkout

Pipeline Spec

    - type: git
      source: /src/sample/venonalog.json
      context: my-github-integration
      destination: codefresh/volume/helm-sample-app/
      isFolder: false
      repo: codefresh-contrib/helm-sample-app
      revision: master

Git triggers

The triggers field is an array of objects that hold Git trigger information.

Field name Parent field Type Value
name triggers string user defined trigger name
type triggers string Always git
repo triggers string git repository name for the trigger. should be in format of git_repo_owner/git_repo_name
events triggers array All possible values are documented later. The possible values depend on Git provider
pullRequestAllowForkEvents triggers boolean If this trigger is also applicable to Git forks
commentRegex triggers string Only activate trigger if regex expression matches PR comment
branchRegex triggers string Only activate trigger if regex expression/string matches branch
branchRegexInput triggers string Defines what type of content is in branchRegex. Possible values are regex, multiselect, multiselect-exclude
provider triggers string Name of provider as found in Git integrations
modifiedFilesGlob triggers string Only activate trigger if changed files match glob expression
disabled triggers boolean if true, trigger will never be activated
options triggers array Choosing caching behavior of this pipeline
noCache options boolean if true, docker layer cache is disabled
noCfCache options boolean if true, extra Codefresh caching is disabled
resetVolume options boolean if true, all files on volume will be deleted before each execution
context triggers string Name of git context to use
contexts spec array Variable sets imported from shared configuration
variables triggers array Override variables that were defined in the pipeline level
runtimeEnvironment triggers array Override the runtime environment that was defined in the pipeline level

The possible values for the events array are the following (only those supported by the Git provider can be actually used)

  • push.heads - for push commit
  • push.tags - for push tag event
  • pullrequest - any pull request event
  • pullrequest.opened - pull request opened
  • pullrequest.closed - pull request closed
  • pullrequest.merged - pull request merged
  • pullrequest.unmerged-closed - pull request closed (not merged)
  • pullrequest.reopened - pull request reopened
  • pullrequest.edited - pull request edited
  • pullrequest.assigned - pull request assigned
  • pullrequest.unassigned - pull request unassigned
  • pullrequest.reviewRequested - pull request review requested
  • pullrequest.reviewRequestRemoved - pull request review request removed
  • pullrequest.labeled - pull request labeled
  • pullrequest.unlabeled - pull request unlabeled
  • pullrequest.synchronize - pull request synchronized
  • pullrequest.commentAdded - pull request comment added (restricted)
  • pullrequest.commentAddedUnrestricted - Any pull request comment will trigger a build. We recommend using only on private repositories.
  • release - Git release event

The variables and runtimeEnvironment fields have exactly the same format as in the parent pipeline fields but values defined in the trigger will take higher priority.

Full example:

Pipeline Spec

    - name: guysalton-codefresh/helm-sample-app
      type: git
      repo: guysalton-codefresh/helm-sample-app
        - push.heads
        - pullrequest.commentAdded
      pullRequestAllowForkEvents: true
      commentRegex: /.*/gi
      branchRegex: /^((master|develop)$).*/gi
      branchRegexInput: regex
      modifiedFilesGlob: /project1/**
      provider: github
      disabled: false
        noCache: false
        noCfCache: false
        resetVolume: false
      verified: true
      context: guyGithub
        - artifactory
        - key: key
          value: '*****'
          encrypted: true
        name: docker-desktop/cf
        cpu: 400m
        memory: 800Mi
        dindStorage: nullGi

Cron triggers

The cronTriggers field is an array of objects that hold Cron trigger information.

Field name Parent field Type Value
event cronTriggers string Leave empty. Automatically generated by Codefresh for internal use.
name cronTriggers string The user-defined name for the Cron trigger.
message cronTriggers string The free-text message to be sent as an additional event payload every time the Cron trigger is activated. For example, Successful ingress tests
expression cronTriggers string The Cron expression that defines the time and frequency of the Cron trigger.
For example, 0 3 * * 1-5 triggers the pipeline at 3:00 AM every weekday (Monday to Friday).
disabled cronTriggers boolean Determines if the Cron trigger is enabled for activation.
By default, set to false meaning that it is always enabled.
To disable the trigger, set to true.
gitTriggerId cronTriggers string The ID of the Git trigger to simulate for the pipeline, retrieved from the pipeline for which it is defined.
To simulate a Git trigger, the pipeline must have at least one Git trigger defined for it.
See Git triggers in this article.
branch cronTriggers string Valid only when a Git trigger is simulated.
The branch of the repo retrieved from the Git trigger defined in gitTriggerId.
variables cronTriggers array The environment variables to populate for the pipeline when the Cron trigger is activated. See Variables in pipelines.
options cronTriggers array The behavior override options to implement for the current build. By default all overrides are set to false, meaning that the build inherits the default behavior set for the pipeline at the account level.
Can be any of the following:
  • noCfCache: When set to true, ignores Docker engine cache for build. See Docker engine cache
  • noCache: When set to true, ignores the last build's cache. Selecting this option may slow down your build.
    See Last build cache.
  • resetVolume: When set to true, resets the pipeline volume, useful for troubleshooting a build that hangs on the first step.
    See Hangs on restoring data from pre-existing image.
  • enableNotifications: When set to true, sends email and Slack notifications, in addition to status updates to your Git provider.
    See Slack notifications.

Pipeline Spec example for Cron triggers

    - name: SSO sync
      type: cron,
      message: "Sync successfull"
      expression: "0 0/1 * 1/1 * *"
      gitTriggerId: 64905de8589da959de81d31d
      branch: main
      variables: []
        noCfCache: false
        noCache: false
        resetVolume: false
        enableNotifications: true
      disabled: true
      event: cron:codefresh:0 0/1 * 1/1 * *:tests:ecef63b9ed20
      verified: true
      status: verified
      id: 64ddd8b04fdbcc74cc74fe80

Using Codefresh from within Codefresh

The Codefresh CLI is also packaged as a Docker image on its own. This makes it very easy to use it from within Codefresh in a freestyle step.

For example, you can easily call pipeline B from pipeline A
with the following step:

codefresh.yml of pipeline A

version: '1.0'
    title: triggering another pipeline
    image: codefresh/cli
      - 'codefresh run <pipeline_B> -b=${{CF_BRANCH}}' -t <pipeline-b-trigger-name>
          validateTargetBranch: '"${{CF_PULL_REQUEST_TARGET}}" == "production"'
          validatePRAction: '''${{CF_PULL_REQUEST_ACTION}}'' == ''opened'''

This step only calls pipeline B when a pull request is opened for the branch named production.

Note that when you use the Codefresh CLI in a pipeline step, it is already configured, authenticated, and ready for use. No additional authentication is required.

Codefresh API documentation
Codefresh CLI documentation