Codefresh On-premises Release Notes

New features, bug fixes, feature flags for on-premises releases

Welcome to the release notes for our on-premises releases.

On-premises version 2.2

Features & enhancements

Features and enhancements are divided into those in general availability and those currently in Beta.

Install/upgrade to v2.2

Welcome to our newest on-premises release!

Installing v2.2 For detailed instructions on installing v2.2, visit ArtifactHub.

Upgrading to v2.2 Before initiating the upgrade process, review the instructions here.

Pipelines: Enhanced RBAC with AND logic for tags

We are excited to introduce a powerful enhancement to Codefresh pipelines: AND logic for rules in RBAC permissions. Now, you have even more control and precision when it comes to managing permissions for entities.

Up until this point, we’ve been all about OR logic, allowing you to define rules with a choice of Any of these tags. But we recognize that you need to be more specific in certain scenarios, and that’s where AND logic comes into play. With AND logic, you can require All of these tags to be present, providing a level of granularity to tighten security and ensure that only the right teams have access to entities.

Rules with OR/AND logic for tags

Rules with OR/AND logic for tags

For details, see ABAC for entities with tags and rules.

Pipelines: New timeout functionality for pipeline steps

We are happy to announce a new field for pipeline steps, the timeout flag to further enhance control over your pipelines! The timeout flag, when assigned to a step, prevents that step from running beyond a specific duration if so required.

Add the timeout flag with the <duration> and <units> to any of these step types: git-clone, freestyle, build, push, composition, pending-approval.

How it works

  • Steps that exceed the timeout limit are automatically terminated. If the steps are completed before the timeout limits are exceeded, the timeout values are ignored.
  • Steps terminated through timeouts have the same behavior as failed steps. If you notice any inconsistencies, please report them as bugs.
  • In parallel steps, by default, the timeout defined for the parent is inherited by child steps.


version: '1.0'
    type: parallel
    timeout: 1m
        image: alpine
        image: alpine
        timeout: 2m
        image: alpine
        timeout: null

For details, see Git-clone step and Add timeouts for parallel steps.

Pipelines: Share log URLs for pipeline builds with timestamps

Our latest enhancement simplifies troubleshooting and resolution process for issues in pipeline builds! How? By introducing the ability to share the URL of the build log with your team!

By selecting the part of the build log you want your team to look at for a specific step or for the entire build: a single row, a specific segment, or whatever you need, and clicking Share, you get a unique URL. When colleagues, logged in to the same account, access the shared URL link, the build log opens directly to the highlighted section for easy identification.

Sharing URL for build logs

Sharing URL for build logs

For details, see Sharing log URLs for pipeline builds.

Pipelines: Custom audiences for OIDC

You’ll be happy with our latest enhancement for OIDC in Codefresh pipelines. Now, our OIDC integration supports multiple audiences. This flexibility is crucial for working with audiences that require distinct names instead of defaulting to the platform’s hostname, such as the Codefresh platform URL.

Customize your audience In the obtain-oidc-id-token step, tailor your audience by defining custom values — either a single value or multiple values separated by commas.

Here’s an example of a single custom audience:

  title: Obtain ID Token
  type: obtain-oidc-id-token:1.2.1
    AUDIENCE: "cosign"

For details, see Standard OIDC claims.

Other changes


  • Helm steps now support Helm releases 3.9.0 and higher.
  • Glob expressions support up to 65k characters.
  • Bitbucket and Azure Devops: Supported events include Pull Request (PR) commit events.
  • Higher throttle time ensures that delayed builds for pipelines do not affect performance.
  • Accurate memory metrics for pipeline builds that use buildx and docker driver.


  • Restored option to download logs for GitOps Runtimes from the Codefresh UI.
  • Fast loading for Current State tab in the GitOps Apps dashboard for Argo CD applications with hundreds of resources.

Feature Flags

Feature Flags are divided into new Feature Flags released in the current version, and changes to existing Feature Flags which are now enabled by default.

New Feature Flags in v2.2 The table below describes the new Feature Flags in the Codefresh On-Premises release v2.2.

Feature Flag Description Default Value
abacAndRule When enabled, supports creating ABAC rules for entities in Codefresh pipelines using “AND”.
See Pipelines: Enhanced RBAC with AND logic for tags in this article.
appDiffView This feature is currently in Beta, and the Feature Flag can be enabled only for SaaS environments. We will notify you when you can enable the Feature Flag for on-premises environments.
When enabled, and the application is out of sync, displays the differences for each resource in the application in either Compact or Split view modes.
csdpFilterAppsByGitPermissions When enabled (the default), does not display the Git Sources and the Argo CD applications committed to these Git Sources for users without Git permissions or Git credentials for the same. TRUE
genAICronExpression When enabled, supports generating Cron expressions in the Codefresh UI using Generative AI. FALSE
hideCompositionsMenuItem When enabled, does not show Compositions within Artifacts & Insights in the sidebar of the Codefresh UI. FALSE
promotionFlow New feature currently in development.
When enabled, allows you to drag an application in the GitOps Product dashboard from its current Environment to a different Environment and trigger a promotion flow.
promotionWorkflows New feature currently in development.
When enabled, allows you create and run workflows when a promotion is triggered.
restrictedGitSource This feature is currently in Beta, and the Feature Flag can be enabled only for SaaS environments. We will notify you when you can enable the Feature Flag for on-premises environments.
When enabled, allows you to create a Restricted Git Source in addition to a standard Git Source.
stepTimeout When enabled (the default), allows you to add the timeout flag with the <duration> and <units> to steps in pipelines. When added, the step terminates execution automatically if the step exceeds the duration of the specified timeout.
See Pipelines: New timeout functionality for pipeline steps in this article.
useRepoAndBranchesNextPagination When enabled, the Repository dropdown to select branches and repositories for Triggers, supports infinite scrolling, and search on the server. FALSE

Updated Feature Flags in v2.2 The table below lists existing Feature Flags which have been updated by default to be either enabled (set to TRUE), or disabled (set to FALSE).

Feature Flag Description Default Value
accountInfoCopyButton When enabled, the account ID is added to the URL. When sharing the URL with the account information, recipients can seamlessly switch accounts. FALSE
cronTriggersInPipelineSpec When enabled, allows users to define Cron triggers in the pipeline YAMLs as a spec.cronTriggers array, instead of using a separate API.
See Cron trigger specifications in pipelines in our documentation.
gitopsAppGroups When enabled, allows users to group Argo CD applications by annotations, and view these applications in the Groups tab of the GitOps Apps dashboard.
See Application Groups for Argo CD applications in our documentation.
pipelineScopes When enabled, enables Codefresh administrators to configure the API scopes for pipelines at account level. All pipelines in the account inherit these scopes. Codefresh administrators can also override these scopes for individual pipelines.
See Pipeline settings: Scopes in our documentation.

Bug fixes


  • Removing users from Codefresh UI, or via API or Terraform results in 504 error.
  • Organizations list not sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Page keeps on loading indefinitely when switching active account from a ProjectOne account to a Classic one.


  • Slow loading for Builds and Workflow pages for pipelines.
  • Cannot save views including Annotations as filters.
  • In Use YAML from repository screen, selecting a new Git integration resets all custom settings, including PATH TO YAML.
  • In Use YAML from repository screen, selecting a new Git integration without selecting a branch results in “undefined is not an object (evaluating ‘(0,v.first)(this.branchData.selectedItem).displayName’)” error.
  • Listing branches when setting up trigger or in Use YAML from repository results in error ‘Error: Failed to retrieve file’.
  • For Azure DevOps Pull Request (PR) (push commit, push reviewers changed, votes score changed, status changed) events, the build status in Azure DevOps is not identical to the build status in Codefresh.
  • Webhook for Bitbucket triggers two-three builds for a single event.
  • Builds stuck in Terminating state in Codefresh UI
  • Helm step does not support latest Helm versions.
  • Frequent timeouts when pushing to Codefresh Helm repo via Helm step.
  • Unable to upload more than 100 Allure reports from Codefresh.
  • “No such file or directory” error in Test History/Trends page for Allure test reports.
  • After upgrade to v2.0.9, Test reports screen does not display all elements.
  • For enhanced Cron triggers, restarting a Cron build or restarting a Cron build from a failed step results in error: “There was a problem rebuilding the selected item. Please make sure that the branch is accessible".
  • Bitbucket builds triggered for events not defined in pipeline.
  • Incorrect step-level metrics for build step when buildx is set to true and the builder driver is set to docker-container.
  • stepTemplateignores path in WORKING_DIR environment variable and runs in default volume path.
  • Statuses in build log outputs not color-coded.
  • Memory usage graph in Builds page shows Mib instead of MiB.


  • Rollouts panel does not display control to expand Analysis Run.
  • Incorrect behavior with ServerSideApply for Hybrid GitOps Runtimes.
  • Incomplete list of Pull Requests and Jira issues in Timeline tab of GitOps Apps dashboard when Kubernetes and deployments and Rollouts are both used in the same application.
  • Unable to add managed clusters to GitOps Runtimes.
  • Unable to add a non-OpenShift cluster to GitOps Runtimes.
  • Creating a Git Source using Bitbucket does not load all available repos for selection.
  • codefresh-image-reporter failure for ECR (Elastic Container Registry) images.
  • Truncated names for the Labels filter when clicking More filters in GitOps Apps dashboard.
  • Missing Git Runtime tokens in Personal Access Token page.

On-premises version 2.1

Features & enhancements

Install/upgrade to v2.1

Welcome to our new major on-premises release!

Installing v2.1 For detailed instructions on installing v2.1, visit ArtifactHub.

Upgrading to v2.1 This major release includes new services and updates to existing services. Before initiating the upgrade process, review the instructions here.

New Helm installation for Codefresh Runner

In this major version, we have completely overhauled the installation process for the Codefresh Runner. Now, Runner installation is completely Helm-based, making it streamlined and easier to manage.

Starting with this version, Helm becomes the default installation method for the Codefresh Runner. This change has implications for the installation options from previous versions.

  • CLI installation is considered legacy, and will not be actively maintained going forward
  • For existing Helm installations with chart version 3.x or higher, we recommend migrating to the new chart version for the Runner

The new Helm installation for the Runner is described in Chart Configuration on ArtifactHub.

Refer also to Codefresh Runner installation in the documentation.

Gerrit as Git provider for Pipelines and GitOps

We are excited to announce the integration of Gerrit, the open-source web-based code review tool for Git repositories, with Codefresh.

Gerrit and Codefresh Pipelines By integrating Gerrit as a Git provider for Codefresh Pipelines, you can leverage its capabilities to trigger builds and tests automatically whenever a new change is pushed to Git repositories hosted in Gerrit. The integration allows you to closely monitor the status of builds and tests within the Gerrit environment itself, providing you with a comprehensive view of your development process. With Codefresh’s CF_PULL_REQUEST group of environment variables, you can achieve similar functionality to Gerrit’s Changes directly within Codefresh.

For details, see Pipeline integrations - Git providers.

Gerrit and Codefresh GitOps By configuring Gerrit as the primary Git provider for your Hosted GitOps Runtime, you can integrate Gerrit information into your third-party CI tools or platforms for image enrichment and reporting in Codefresh. If you are interested in using Gerrit for Hybrid GitOps Runtimes, please contact us.

For details, see GitOps Gerrit Git provider integration.

Multi-account sync for Okta with OIDC

Check out the latest enhancements to the integration settings for Okta with OIDC: Multi-account sync and automatic deletion of users removed during sync from Codefresh.

Multi-account sync Following the successful implementation of just-in-time provisioning support for Okta, we are taking it a step further by introducing multi-account sync for OIDC-Okta. This feature enables you to synchronize multiple Codefresh accounts in Okta simultaneously in Codefresh, ensuring a seamless SSO setup for enterprise customers.

With multi-account sync, you can easily select additional Codefresh accounts to sync with your Okta OIDC account in Codefresh. Codefresh validates admin privileges and access for each of the selected accounts, guaranteeing secure and reliable authentication.

You have the flexibility to sync users in multiple ways: through the UI’s Auto-group sync, performing on-demand synchronization through the CLI, or integrating sync into a Codefresh pipeline using the CLI synchronize command.

Delete users removed during sync We added an option to further streamline Okta SSO account and user management in Codefresh. You can now easily remove individual users who are deactivated in Okta from both the current account in Codefresh and any additional accounts defined in your current account. The Users list is updated accordingly, ensuring that both the Teams and Users lists are always organized.

Multi-account sync and remove deactivated users for Okta OIDC

Multi-account sync and remove deactivated users for Okta OIDC

For details, see Configure OIDC SSO settings for Okta in Codefresh.

Codefresh & OpenShift

We are excited to announce that Codefresh now supports OpenShift! Seamlessly integrate with OpenShift for enhanced container orchestration capabilities, and discover new possibilities in your deployment workflows with Codefresh and OpenShift integration.

For details, see Deploying Codefresh with OpenShift.

Pipelines: OpenID Connect (OIDC) integration

Introducing OIDC (OpenID Connect) for Codefresh pipelines! Boost pipeline security and streamline access control with OIDC. Instead of referencing static credentials stored in Codefresh for the cloud provider, allow pipelines to authenticate and authorize actions through short-lived ID tokens.

Configure Codefresh as an OIDC provider with your preferred cloud provider, and let Codefresh handle ID token acquisition, and then add the actions to perform on the cloud provider in the pipeline.

Key benefits:

  • Enhanced security You no longer need to define, store, and manage cloud-provider credentials in Codefresh. Obtain ID tokens from the cloud provider when needed. The ID tokens remain valid only for the duration of the workflow build and automatically expire upon completion.

  • Ease of use Once the OIDC provider configuration is completed, obtaining the ID token is seamless. Our dedicated Marketplace step, the obtain-oidc-id-token step, when added to the pipeline, gets the ID token, without additional configuration or parameters on your part.

For details, see OpenID Connect for Codefresh pipelines.

Pipelines: Access control for endpoints

With this feature, Codefresh admins gain enhanced control over the security of their pipelines by being able to restrict access to specific endpoint scopes. Scopes are defined at the account level, ensuring a consistent security baseline for all pipelines. These predefined scopes are inherited by every pipeline, which Codefresh admins can override for individual pipelines when necessary. To enable this, you need to turn on the pipelineScopes feature flag.

Configure scopes for pipeline

Configure scopes for pipeline

For details, see Configure scopes for pipelines.

Pipelines: Enhanced version of Cron triggers

We have extended the capabilities of Cron triggers within Codefresh pipelines for a more powerful implementation. The new functionality is available as a Beta version.

Cron triggers can now simulate Git events to enrich pipelines with repository details, include environment variables, and custom settings for caching, volume reuse, and notifications. The new settings are supported in the Codefresh UI and in the pipeline specifications. To enable this, you need to turn on the cronTriggersInPipelineSpec feature flag.

Extended settings for Cron triggers

Extended settings for Cron triggers

These additional settings are optional, so you can continue to use just the timer component of the Cron trigger.

Legacy versions of Cron triggers are flagged in the Codefresh UI and include an option to migrate them to the new version.

For details, see Cron (timer)triggers and Cron trigger specifications.

Pipelines: Pipeline Dashboard enhancements

Review the latest enhancements in the Pipelines Dashboard.

Favorites filter and Last Update in Pipelines Dashboard

Favorites filter and Last Update in Pipelines Dashboard

Filter by favorite pipelines The Pipelines Dashboard now has a Favorites filter. If you starred any projects or pipelines as favorites, you can easily view your favorite pipelines, both by projects or individual pipelines.

Recent update indication The Last Update timestamp on the top right of the Pipelines Dashboard, refreshes automatically to show you the exact time the data was retrieved.

Full path display for pipelines in filter Previously, in the Pipelines filter, it was challenging to identify the correct pipeline, when multiple pipelines shared the same name across different projects. Now, when you mouse over a pipeline name in the list, the tooltip displays the full path, including the name of the project to which the pipeline belongs, followed by the name of the pipeline.

For details, see Pipelines Dashboard.

Pipelines: New icons for pipeline build statuses

Pipeline builds have new status icons. With distinct icons for each status, you can easily differentiate between builds, bringing clarity and saving time. Previously, both terminated and failed builds had the same icon for example, causing confusion.

Here are the icons and the build statuses they represent:

  • Running:
  • Completed:
  • Delayed:
  • Pending approval:
  • Denied approval:
  • Terminating:
  • Terminated:
  • Failed:

For details, see Viewing status for pipeline builds.

Pipelines: New terminal emulator

In this release, we have introduced a NEW terminal emulator for a superior user experience, featuring lightning-fast scrolling, online rendering for large logs, enhanced accessibility support, and more…

The new terminal emulator provides:

  • Improved performance through GPU acceleration
  • Convenient online viewing for log files, including large logs with up to 100,000 lines, avoiding the need to download the file
  • Faster navigation with improved mouse support
  • Improved search functionality
  • Accessibility support with Screen Reader Mode

Pipelines: Configure limit for project’s pipelines

The PROJECT_PIPELINES_LIMIT variable allows to you set a limit for the number of pipelines in a project. Capping the number of pipelines in a project prevents projects from becoming unwieldy and cluttered, and makes it easier to view the pipelines belonging to a project. For details, see Pipeline limit in projects.

GitOps: ABAC for Argo CD applications

In this release, we bring the power of ABAC for access control to GitOps for the first time as a Beta version. You can define fine-grained access to Argo CD application entities. Similar to ABAC for pipelines, access is controlled through the use of rules, created by defining teams, actions, and attributes. To enable this, you need to turn on the abacV2 feature flag.

Access control for Argo CD application entities

Access control for Argo CD application entities

For details, see Access control for GitOps.

GitOps: Application Groups in GitOps Apps dashboard

Introducing a new view in the GitOps Apps dashboard, the Group view! The Group view for GitOps applications is a simple and efficient way to streamline application deployment monitoring within your enterprise. To enable this, you need to turn on the gitopsAppGroups feature flag.

Application Groups in GitOps Apps dashboard

Application Groups in GitOps Apps dashboard

With App Groups, you can effortlessly focus on specific app deployments, as it consolidates deployment information for all applications within the group in the same view. This feature eliminates the need to navigate between the different applications for information on them. Tailor groupings according to the unique requirements of your organization and applications.

Codefresh also adds the Group name as an annotation to the application manifest for easy organization and management.

For details, see Application Groups for GitOps applications.

For GitOps app-proxy, when disabling concurrent sessions for cf-api through DISABLE_CONCURRENT_SESSIONS=true, the CF_UUID_COOKIE_DOMAIN environment variable allows you to customize the domain for the session cookie. For example,

For details, see Customize session cookie.

Bug fixes


  • Unable to add users to Codefresh via team sync for Okta.
  • Auto-sync option not available for Azure SSO.
  • 404 errors on clicking documentation links in Build > Triggers.
  • For Azure, auto-sync operations removes groups that were previously synced.
  • Page keeps on loading indefinitely when switching active account from a ProjectOne account to a Classic one.


  • Pipeline builds terminate with error message: Pipeline could not be executed because retry attempts limit has been exceeded....
  • Shallow clone for a specific revision with depth argument results in error: pathspec 'test' did not match any file(s) known to git.
  • Pipeline resuming execution after approval shows previously executed steps as skipped in Codefresh UI.
  • Cross-account ECR pull in freestyle step fails with (HTTP code 500) server error....
  • Unable to add Hybrid Runner and run builds in Version 2.0.1.
  • Pipeline trigger for BitBucket server does not fire on commit.
  • Creating a Git trigger for a repo name containing spaces fails with error: Failed to create trigger...fails to match the required pattern....
  • “Internal server error” displayed when creating a pipeline with project-level permissions though pipeline is created.
  • Discrepancy in list of builds returned when running GET {{baseUrl/workflow?pipeline=[pipeline-id]}} query.
  • Composition stops randomly with error: Could not get status for container <container-name>.
  • Image enrichment with GitHub Actions fails with message: EventSourceError: Request-URI Too Large.
  • In Pipelines dashboard (Home Dashboard), for a renamed pipeline, the Pipeline filter displays the original name instead of the new name.
  • In the Pipelines page, the context-menu for the last pipeline in the list does not display all available actions.
  • Save button remains disabled when modifying an External Resource in Pipeline > Settings.
  • Unable to set requiredAvailableStorage programmatically for Hybrid Pipeline Runtimes.
  • Commit message passed through the system variable CF_COMMIT_MESSAGE is truncated and does not include the full content.
  • Prefix for Docker registries omitted when using a custom Docker registry as a Public Marketplace Registry.
  • DinD pod does not use Service Account (SA) defined in Runner.
  • After upgrade to v2.0.9, Test reports screen does not display all elements.
  • Invited users prompted for phone number during sign-up.


  • Save button remains disabled when modifying fields for an existing Git Source.
  • DISABLED_CONCURRENT_SESSIONS set to true results in UNAUTHORIZED_ERROR token is not valid error for graphql API call.
  • Unable to create Git Sources both from the Codefesh CLI and UI with Bitbucket Server.
  • Rollouts Reporter for managed cluster uses SaaS instead of on-premises URL.
  • Commits to a second application in the same repository as another application, marks the Rollout for the first application as terminated in the UI when it actually continues execution.
  • In the Timeline tab, on-going deployments do not display link to Rollout Player.

Feature Flags

The table below describes the new Feature Flags in the Codefresh On-Premises release v2.1.

Feature Flag Description Default Value
abacHermesTriggers When enabled, restricts access to the legacy version of Cron triggers for users without permissions to edit pipelines. FALSE
accountInfoCopyButton When enabled (the default), the account ID is added to the URL. When sharing the URL with the account information, recipients can seamlessly switch accounts. TRUE
accessibilityContrast When enabled, displays an icon in the Codefresh toolbar allowing you to control the contrast by selecting the option that best suits the logged in user:
  • Invert colors and Bold colors (saturate): Optimized for visually impaired users.
  • Smart Contrast: Increases the contrast between the text and the background to the maximum possible.
cronTriggersInPipelineSpec When enabled, allows users to define Cron triggers in the pipeline YAMLs as a spec.cronTriggers array, instead of using a separate API.
See Pipelines: Enhanced version of Cron triggers in this article.
disableInviteWelcomeMail When enabled, does not send the Welcome email to users invited to an account. FALSE
gerritIntegration When enabled, enables Gerrit integration in Account settings.
See Gerrit as Git provider for Pipelines and GitOps in this article.
nextGenTerminal When enabled, uses the new terminal emulator for improved performance, online rendering for large logs (more than 100,000 lines), search functionality, and Screen Reader support for accessibility. FALSE
supportOpenIdConnectInBuilds When enabled (the default), supports OIDC in pipeline builds, including obtaining and using ID tokens to authenticate and authorize pipeline actions on cloud providers.
See Pipelines: OPenID Connect (OIDC) integration in this article.
supportGerrit When enabled, adds the capability to connect to Gerrit as a Git provider.
See Gerrit as Git provider for Pipelines and GitOps in this article.
pipelineScopes When enabled, enables Codefresh administrators to configure the API scopes for pipelines at account level. All pipelines in the account inherit these scopes. Codefresh administrators can also override these scopes for individual pipelines.
See Pipelines: Access control for endpoints in this article.
gitopsAppGroups When enabled, allows users to group Argo CD applications by annotations, and view these applications in the Groups tab of the GitOps Apps dashboard.
See GitOps: Application Groups in GitOps Apps dashboard in this article.

On-premises version 2.0.3

Welcome to our newest On-Premises release, version 2.0.3! This major release is finally here, and it’s packed with an array of exciting usability enhancements, new features, and improvements. We listened carefully to your feedback, and worked to incorporate your suggestions into this release.

On-premises v2.0.3 comes with the exciting addition of Codefresh GitOps! Set up and deploy applications/infrastructure using Git as the single source of truth. Read the details later in this document.

Features & enhancements

Upgrading to v2.0.3

In this major release, we have deprecated the kcfi installer. Codefresh on-premises is now installed with Helm. The config.yaml is not compatible for Helm-based installation. To use config.yaml in the Helm chart, you need to remove some sections and update others.

Before running the upgrade, read the details here.

GitOps in Codefresh On-Premises

This version includes support for On-Premises GitOps, including an on-premises version of GitOps Runtimes. With GitOps, Git repositories are the source-control systems that declaratively describe applications and infrastructure using code. The continuous integration and continuous delivery processes synchronize these changes with live environments, making sure that the production state always matches the desired state in Git.

Codefresh is the easiest way to get started with GitOps and Argo CD. Codefresh leverages Argo components to have the entire desired state applied from Git to your Kubernetes cluster, and then reported back to Codefresh.

For details, see Codefresh for GitOps and On-premises GitOps Runtimes.

Enabling the new Codefresh experience

After installing/upgrading to version 2.0.3, Codefresh admins can Enable the new Codefresh experience through the Account Information option.

The new experience exposes new functionality such as Universal Search and Navigation, and the Pipelines Dashboard.

Get up to speed with the navigation improvements in the new Codefresh experience. See the navigation quick reference for a detailed breakdown of the navigation options. Navigations options are categorized by user options (accessed by clicking your Avatar in the toolbar), account-level administration and configuration, and features and functionality.

System Type in Accounts

Codefresh admins can now switch between Classic only and the unified version with both Classic and GitOps.

The Accounts table has a new column, System Type, that allows you to select the module for the account, as Classic or ProjectOne.

Settings in toolbar

We added a new Settings icon to the toolbar to simplify account-level management for Codefresh administrators. With the Settings icon always available, Codefresh admins have single-click access to account-level options and settings whenever you need.

Global Search & Navigation

Boost your Codefresh experience with our latest feature, Global Search & Navigation! Always available in the toolbar, Global Search & Navigation lets you get to what and where you need to in Codefresh while staying where you are.

Search & find With Global Search & Navigation, you can easily monitor and find resources in your projects, pipelines, and builds, with frequently used entities organized into categories for quick search. Easily find a specific project, pipeline, or build, or browse them all. In addition, Global Search & Navigation pulls up links to relevant information from our documentation that may be useful within your current context, making it even easier to find what you need.

Switch accounts You can also switch accounts in Codefresh with Global Search & Navigation, without needing to navigate to your avatar drop-down menu. Simply search for the account, select the Switch Account action, and then choose the account you wish to switch to. We are always adding more options, so stay tuned for announcements.

Pipelines Dashboard

This release introduces the much-awaited Pipelines Dashboard! The dashboard, dedicated to pipelines and pipeline metrics, is a new experience of pipeline visibility and monitoring. Clicking Home Dashboard located at the top of the sidebar displays the Pipelines Dashboard. If you’re currently using both GitOps and Pipelines, the Pipelines Dashboard is displayed below the GitOps and Argo Workflow dashboards.

Use the Pipelines dashboard to:

  • Identify pipelines with low performance, both in terms of number of executions and execution duration
  • Review the performance of a specific pipeline or project
  • Compare KPIs to previous time periods to track progress
  • Ensure you are meeting your SLA with your customers*

The Pipelines dashboard requires new services and databases, as listed here.

For details, see Pipelines Dashboard in the Home Dashboard.

Annotations for builds

We are happy to introduce two enhancements to annotations for pipeline builds! It’s now easier than ever to find the builds you’re looking for, and customize your build views. First, you can configure an annotation as the build’s display annotation, from among the available annotations. Why would you do this? When configured, the annotation is displayed for the build in the Builds page, making it easy to see which builds share common properties like target environments. For details, see Configure display annotation for builds.

Second, you can filter builds by annotations. Filter builds by any annotation added for the build, whether it’s a display annotation or any other annotation with the Annotation filter in the Builds page. Note that filtering builds by annotations applies only to those builds created after upgrading to v2.0.3. For details, see Applying filters to build views.

Project-based ABAC

We are excited to announce project-level Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) in this release. ABAC for projects saves a lot of effort without compromising security as now you can control access to both project and to pipeline entities based on project tags.

  • Project access to teams with project-tags Now you can decide which teams have access to which projects, and at which level. By adding tags to projects, you can define rules for different teams that can create, update, delete, and view projects. Also, read the next feature description, Auto-create projects for teams.

    Migrating existing accounts If you have existing accounts with team-based access control for projects, you can either migrate all accounts or a specific account, as described in Project ABAC migration.

  • Pipeline access to teams with project-tags You can define access to pipelines on the basis of the projects that house the pipelines. Instead of tagging each pipeline, you can add tags to the project, and define rules that determine which teams can access the pipelines which share the project tags. Builds now honor the permissions of the pipelines. Users without access to the pipeline, will also not have access to its builds. This also means fewer email notifications, as these are only sent for builds that users have access to.

For details, see ABAC for entities with tags and rules.

Auto-create projects for teams

Simplify access control and setup with Auto-create projects for teams. Enabled by default, this global pipeline setting automatically creates projects whenever you create teams in your account. In addition to automatically creating a project for the team, it also automatically creates a Project rule, and a Pipeline rule for the same team, with basic permissions.

For details, see Auto-create projects for teams.

Selective restart for failed build steps

We added the Restart from a failed step as an option to the pipeline’s Policy settings, which you can enable/disable per pipeline. Previously, this option was available for all pipelines in the Builds page. Now, you can make it available according to the requirements of the specific pipeline. When disabled in the pipeline’s settings, it is also disabled for that pipeline in the Builds page.

Why did we make this selective per pipeline? Because restarting from a failed step is not always the answer to the problem, especially as the pipelines restarts with the same state as before. If you have a failed Helm promotion step, and you updated the image, you would want the pipeline to use the new image. With the Restart option, the pipeline resumes execution at the same state as at the point of failure, never uses the updated image, and continues to fail.

For details, see Policy settings for pipelines and Restarting pipelines.

Multi-platform builds in Codefresh

Build and push Docker images, including multi-platform images in Codefresh with BuildX.

We extended the capabilities of our build step with the new buildx field. Leverage Docker’s support for multi-architecture/multi-platform support right here in Codefresh. Build an image once and reuse it on multiple architectures/platforms. We also support custom buildx configurations with QEMU and Builder, giving you all the options you may need.

For details, see Build step field descriptions.

On-demand encryption for build run variables

Manual build runs allow you to create new and modify existing variables. You can now encrypt sensitive variables on-demand, adding an extra layer of security.

For details, see [Encrypt variables for pipeline build runs]/classic-git-clone-blob/docs/docs/pipelines/variables/#encrypt-variables-for-pipeline-build-runs).

Mask variables in cf_export

On the subject of variables, in our latest enhancement to cf_export in pipelines, we added support to mask exported variables. You can now use the --mask argument to mask any sensitive variables that you export. The values of these variables are replaced with asterisks in the build logs. This ensures that sensitive information is never exposed, helping to keep your builds and pipelines secure.

For details, see Masking variables within cf_export.

Datadog integration enhancements

We enhanced our integration with Datadog to report additional information from Codefresh pipelines in Datadog. The new information should make it even easier to monitor and analyze Codefresh pipelines in Datadog:

  • For manually triggered pipelines, the name of the user who initiated the pipeline.
  • The Resumed field, if the pipeline was resumed after manual approval.
  • The Parameters field with user-defined variables and Git parameters.
  • Error messages for pipelines with errors.

For details, see Datadog pipeline integration.

Custom certificates

Codefresh allows configuring custom certificates for Pipelines. You can use your own trusted SSL/TLS certificates for secure communication between Codefresh and external services.

For details, see Configure custom TLS certificates.

TLS and MTLS for Redis

Codefresh On-Premises supports both TLS (Transport Layer Security) and MTLS (Mutual TLS) for Redis. This enhancement provides enhanced security and encryption capabilities for Redis data communication with Codefresh in on-premises environments. Administrators can customize the level of security according to their requirements. Using TLS and MTLS for Redis communication requires additional configuration.

For details, see Redis with TLS and Redis with MTLS.

Preferred date and time format selection

US and international users can select their preferred format for date and time in the Codefresh UI. With this latest enhancement, you can now choose between US and international date formats, as well as 24 or 12-hour time formats, to best suit your needs.

Simply navigate to User Settings and select your preferred format.

For details, see Customize date and time formats.

SAML SSO Okta: auto-sync teams and auto-activate users

Just-in-time (JIT) user provisioning is becoming increasingly important for IT administrators. The auto-sync and activate-user options when setting up SAML SSO settings for Okta are designed to achieve this without any manual intervention.

  • Auto-Sync allows you to automatically sync users and teams provisioned in Okta with Codefresh at intervals you define.
  • Auto-Activate creates and activates personal accounts for synced users in Codefresh, without the need to send an email invite and have the user click on the link.

Both options streamline the SSO setup for SAML Okta in Codefresh, saving valuable time.

For details, see Configure SSO settings for SAML Okta in Codefresh.

Runtime environment override for GitOps pipeline integrations

A GitOps pipeline integration uses the default runtime environment. After creating a GitOps pipeline integration, you can now override its runtime environment. Codefresh uses the runtime environment for system actions such as Rollback.

New layout for Helm Boards

Helm Boards now display information in a horizontal layout. The new layout prevents fields with long names from overlapping with each other.

Builds view improvements

We are pleased to announce infrastructure changes that have significantly improved the responsiveness of the Builds page. You will now experience much faster response times when working with projects that have a large number of pipelines.

Bug Fixes

  • 200 error for inactive webhook triggers.
  • Liveness probe failures on cf-api pods.
  • Tooltip on hover over build/project names in the Builds page, shows topbar.title instead of the build/project name.
  • Opening build deleted by retention policy shows pop-up for switching accounts: Build is from a different account: . To view this build, you must switch accounts.
  • Unable to edit Inline YAML when returning to the Workflow tab and switching from Use YAML from repository to Inline YAML.
  • Modifying an encrypted variable for a manual build, decrypts and displays the variable in plain text.
  • Removing a trigger from a Git repository, also deletes the associated webhook in Git with other trigger dependencies.
  • Git trigger filters allows filtering by deleted branch causing builds to fail.
  • In full-screen view mode, the pipeline list panel on the left overlaps the pipeline YAML.
  • Incorrect start time for builds in offline logs.
  • Enabling forbidDecrypt Feature Flag breaks github-release step.
  • UI logs not available with on-premises release version 1.3.9.
  • Creating account via Terraform results in plugin error.
  • Inconsistent formats for date and time across Codefresh UI.
  • Modified files filter option for Git trigger events missing for Bitbucket Server.
  • Selecting Import from text/Import from file/Add shared configuration from the context menu in Workflows tab Variables does not open the corresponding panel.
  • Overrides for pipeline-level variables during manual build run not displayed correctly in Build Variable list .
  • Null namespaces result in failure to load Codefresh UI.

Feature Flags

The table below describes the Feature Flags in the Codefresh On-Premises release v 2.0.3.

Feature Flag Description Default Value
parallelKubectlOperations When enabled, allows running multiple kubectl commands in parallel steps. For example, parallel Helm install steps, or parallel deploy steps. FALSE
gitOpsIntegrationEdit When enabled, allows overriding the runtime environment of an existing GitOps pipeline integration. Codefresh uses the runtime environment for different system actions. FALSE
disableActionBtnByAbac When ABAC is enabled for the user and the user does not have permissions for the action, disables Create/Edit/Delete action buttons for projects and pipelines. FALSE
showBuildAnnotations When enabled, allows users to:
  • Configure a display annotation for a pipeline build in the pipeline’s YAML. The build’s display annotation is then displayed in the build entry’s row (Pipelines > Builds).
  • Filter by any annotation assigned to builds.
See Annotations for builds in this article.
filterMailsByAbac When enabled and ABAC permissions are defined for projects, sends email notifications on builds only for those pipelines to which the user has access.
See Project-based ABAC in this article.
syncClassicAnnotationsToGitOps When enabled, displays annotations assigned to entities in the Annotations area of the Images dashboard. The following annotation types are displayed:
  • String
  • Boolean
  • Link
  • Percentage
  • Number
NOTE: This feature flag does not impact Issue and Git (PR)-based annotations. These are displayed in the Issue and Git areas.
gitopsArgoCdRollback When enabled, allows users to rollback to a previously deployed version of an active GitOps application. FALSE
commandbar When enabled, activates Codefresh Universal Search & Navigation. Displayed in the top-left of the toolbar, allows users to find and navigate to project/pipeline/build entities, switch accounts, and more. See Global Search & Navigation in this article. FALSE
gerritIntegration When enabled, allows configuring Git integrations with Gerrit for Codefresh pipelines. FALSE
abacProject When enabled, allows admins to define rule-based access to projects for teams by project tags.
IMPORTANT: Before enabling this feature flag, make sure to read Project ABAC migration.
See Project-based ABAC in this article.
abacRuleRelatedResource When enabled, allows admins to define rule-based access to pipelines for teams by project tags.
See Project-based ABAC in this article.
workflowAbacByPipeline When enabled, builds will not be visible to users who don’t have access to the corresponding pipelines.
See Project-based ABAC in this article.
filterMailsByAbac When enabled, together with workflowAbacByPipeline, email notifications are not sent for users without access to the builds.
See Project-based ABAC in this article.