FullStory in Codefresh docs

Full Story - Data collection and tracking User Behavior

Our documentation website uses FullStory, a third-party tool to collect data on how users interact with our content.
FullStory helps us better understand how our users navigate and engage with our website, allowing us to improve our documentation and overall user experience.

What kind of data do we collect with FullStory?

When you visit our documentation website, FullStory may collect the following types of data:

  • Interaction data
    Includes clicks, scrolls, mouse movements, and keystrokes (except for sensitive data such as passwords or payment information). This data helps us analyze how users interact with various elements of our website.

  • Session data
    Record of your browsing session on our site, including the pages you visit, the time spent on each page, and the sequence of actions taken.

  • Technical data
    Information about the device you are using, including your browser type, operating system, screen resolution, and IP address (anonymized).

  • Demographic data
    General demographic information like your location (country or city level) and language preference, which helps us tailor content more effectively.
    Please note that demographic information is limited to generalized, location-based information.

Why do we collect the data?

We use the data collected by FullStory for the following purposes:

  • Improve user experience
    We analyze user behavior to identify areas where documentation is missing, and where it can be improved, ensuring that it is clear, helpful, and easy to navigate.

  • Monitor website performance
    By understanding how users interact with our site, we can optimize its performance and address any issues that may affect usability.

  • Maintain relevant content
    We use the insights to refine the content on our site, making sure it meets the needs of our users.

Data privacy and security

We take the privacy of our users seriously.
FullStory does not collect any sensitive personal information (such as passwords, payment details, or personal identification numbers).
All data collected is anonymized and aggregated, ensuring that individual users cannot be personally identified.

  • Anonymization involves removing or obscuring personal identifiers, such as names, email addresses, or IP addresses. Data can be anonymized by replacing these identifiers with hash values as hashing creates a fixed-size output that cannot easily be reversed.

    Hashtags can be effectively applied to anonymize sensitive data in various contexts. Common uses of hashtags include hashing user IDs when analyzing user activity, instead of storing raw user identifiers, hashing email addresses to track user behavior without exposing the raw data, and hashing IPs to analyze geographic trends without compromising user anonymity.

  • Aggregation involves summarizing data collected at a group rather than an individual level. This allows trends to be analyzed without exposing personal details. For instance, instead of storing individual browsing history, data can be grouped and analyzed to show general trends such as “X% of users visited this page.”

You can learn more about how FullStory handles data by reviewing their privacy policy.

Opting Out

If you do not wish to have your data collected by FullStory, you can opt out by enabling the “Do Not Track” setting in your web browser.
For more information, see this article.

Additionally, you can visit FullStory’s opt-out page to prevent data collection.