Variables in pipelines

Variables in pipelines allow you to parameterize the way your pipeline works. Codefresh provides a set of system variables, and the capability to define custom variables.

  • System variables are predefined variables prefixed with CF.
    System variables are automatically included in every pipeline build. Here are some examples of system variables.
    • CF_BRANCH is the Git branch that was used for this pipeline.
    • CF_REVISION is the Git hash that was used for this pipeline.
    • CF_BUILD_URL is the url of the pipeline build.
  • User-defined variables are custom variables which you create.
    You can create user-defined variables for different entities in Codefresh, such as projects, pipelines and steps, with or without a default value. You can also import variables you may have already defined.

Codefresh supports two syntaxes for variables: the UNIX syntax, and a proprietary syntax for use in YAML files.

Using Codefresh variables in pipelines

There are two ways to use a Codefresh variable in your pipelines:

  1. Expose as UNIX environment variables This is the default method. All variables in all freestyle steps are exposed as UNIX environment variables. For example, $MY_VARIABLE_EXAMPLE.
  2. Directly in YAML properties
    This format, specific to Codefresh, can be used in in YAML properties with the syntax ${{MY_VARIABLE_EXAMPLE}}.

If you are unsure about which format to use, feel free to use the Codefresh-specific format with the ${{MY_VARIABLE_EXAMPLE}} everywhere.
This is the Codefresh specific format and should function in all sections of codefresh.yml.

Example: Print out the branch as an environment variable

In this example, we use simple echo commands, but any program or script that reads environment variables can also read them in the same manner.


  title: Variable example
  image: alpine
    - echo $CF_BUILD_ID

Example: Use directly in YAML properties


  title: Building Docker Image
  type: build
  image_name: my-own-app

Example: Concatenating variables


  title: Building Docker Image
  type: build
  image_name: my-own-app

The concatenation above creates Docker images with tags such as:


This syntax is specific to Codefresh, and is only available within the Codefresh YAML file itself.
To write scripts or programs that use Codefresh variables, you need to make them aware of the environment variable form.

System variables

System variables are automatically injected to any freestyle step as environment variables.

The values of Git-based system variables, such as CF_BRANCH, CF_COMMIT_MESSAGE, CF_REVISION etc. are retrieved directly from the Git provider you use, and therefore have the same limitations of that provider.

For example, GitLab sends less information in Pull Request (PR) events than normal pushes, and Bitbucket sends only the short hash of a commit in PR events. We suggest you read the documentation of your Git provider first to understand what information is available for every Git event.

Gerrit for example, has change-Id and Changes that you can map to CF_PULL_REQUEST variables, such as CF_PULL_REQUEST_ID and more.

The table below describes the system variables.

Variable Description
${{CF_REPO_OWNER}} The repository owner.
${{CF_REPO_NAME}} The repository name.
${{CF_BRANCH}} The branch name or tag (depending on the payload JSON) of the Git repository associated with the main pipeline at the time of execution.
- To utilize the normalized version of the branch name, use ${{CF_BRANCH_TAG_NORMALIZED}}. This variable ensures that special characters are removed, resulting in a branch name without any characters that are illegal for use as a Docker image tag name.
- For a normalized version in lowercase, you can use ${{CF_BRANCH_TAG_NORMALIZED_LOWER_CASE}}.
${{CF_BASE_BRANCH}} The base branch from which the tag is created.
${{CF_PULL_REQUEST_ACTION}} The PR (Pull Request) action with values based on the Git provider.
- GitHub
${{CF_PULL_REQUEST_ID}} The ID of the Pull Request (PR).
For Gerrit, use this in place of changeId.
${{CF_PULL_REQUEST_TARGET}} The target branch of the PR.
For Gerrit, use this in place of Change target branch name.
${{CF_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER}} The PR (Pull Request) number.
${{CF_PULL_REQUEST_LABELS}} For GitHub and GitLab, the labels assigned to the PRs.
For Gerrit, the change hashtags.
${{CF_PULL_REQUEST_COMMENT}} The comment added to the PR.
For Gerrit, use this in place of Change message.
${{CF_PULL_REQUEST_COMMENT_AUTHOR}} The user who added the comment to the PRt.
For Gerrit, use this in place of Change author.
${{CF_GERRIT_CHANGE_TOPIC}} The topic associated with the Gerrit change.
${{CF_COMMIT_AUTHOR}} The name of the user who authored the commit.
${{CF_BUILD_INITIATOR}} The username of the user who initiated the build.
If the build is initiated by a Git webhook, as for example from a PR, this variable returns the webhook user.
If the build is restarted manually, the variable always returns the username of the person who restarted the build.
${{CF_ACCOUNT}} The Codefresh account for this build.
${{CF_COMMIT_URL}} The commit URL.
${{CF_COMMIT_MESSAGE}} The commit message of the Git repository revision at the time of execution.
Only quotes in the message are escaped (' is escaped \' and " is escaped as \").
To get the title of the pull request, use ${{CF_PULL_REQUEST_TITLE}}.
${{CF_COMMIT_MESSAGE_ESCAPED}} The commit message of the Git repository revision at the time of execution with special characters escaped.
To get the escaped title of the pull request, use ${{CF_PULL_REQUEST_TITLE_ESCAPED}}.
${{CF_PULL_REQUEST_TITLE}} The unescaped title of the pull request that triggered the pipeline build.
To escape special characters, use ${{CF_PULL_REQUEST_TITLE_ESCAPED}}.
${{CF_PULL_REQUEST_TITLE_ESCAPED}} The title of the pull request that triggered the pipeline build, with special characters escaped.
To not escape special characters, use ${{CF_PULL_REQUEST_TITLE}}.
${{CF_REVISION}} The revision of the Git repository of the main pipeline, at the time of execution.
To get the abbreviated 7-character revision hash as used in Git, use ${{CF_SHORT_REVISION}}.
NOTE: To tag the image as a string with quotes, use ${{CF_SHORT_REVISION}} .
${{CF_VOLUME_NAME}} The shared volume defined in compositions.
${{CF_VOLUME_PATH}} The mounted path of the shared volume within a freestyle container. In the current implementation it expands to /codefresh/volume.
${{CF_BUILD_TRIGGER}} The indication of how the current build was triggered:
  • build: The build was triggered by clicking the Build button
  • webhook: The build was triggered from a control version webhook.
${{CF_BUILD_ID}} The build ID.
NOTE: To use this variable as a string to tag the image, enclose it in quotes, "${{CF_BUILD_ID}}".
${{CF_BUILD_TIMESTAMP}} The timestamp when the build was created.
NOTE: To use this variable as a string to tag the image, enclose it in quotes, "${{CF_BUILD_TIMESTAMP}}".
${{CF_BUILD_URL}} The URL to the build in Codefresh.
${{CF_PIPELINE_NAME}} The full path of the pipeline, including the project to which it is assigned, if any, as in “project/pipeline”.
${{CF_STEP_NAME}} The name of the step, for example, “MyUnitTests”.
${{CF_URL}} The URL of the Codefresh platform.
${{CF_OUTPUT_URL}} Display link to an external URL on step execution. For example, display the link to a parent-build from the child-build.
See Export external link with CF_OUTPUT_URL in this article.
${{CI}} The value is always true.
${{CF_KUBECONFIG_PATH}} Path to injected kubeconfig if at least one Kubernetes cluster is configured. You can easily run custom kubectl commands since it is automatically set up by Codefresh in all pipelines.

Context-related variables are system variables created dynamically during the workflow execution, according to the steps used in the pipeline.

Variable Description
Working Directories For example, you can set the working directory of step A with a variable named after a previously executed step, step B. Therefore, setting step A with working-directory:${{B}} means that step A executes in the same working directory as step B.
Images You can set the candidate field of the push step with a variable named after a previously executed build step. Since the details of the created image are not necessarily known ahead of time, the variable can create an association to an optionally dynamic image name. Therefore, setting push step A with candidate:${{B}} means that step A will push the image built by step B. Note that this capability works only for candidate and image fields in Codefresh steps.

A very common pattern in Codefresh pipelines, is to create a Docker image in one step, and then run a command on its container in the next step (e.g. run unit tests):


version: '1.0'
    title: Building Docker Image
    type: build
    image_name: my-own-app
    title: Running Unit tests
    image: ${{MyAppDockerImage}}
      - ./

In the example above, you can see the MyAppDockerImage variable that denotes a Docker image created dynamically within this single pipeline. In the second step we use it as a Docker context in order to run unit tests. See also the unit testing example app.

Step variables

Every step in a Codefresh pipeline also exposes several built-in variables. You can access them via the global steps parent variable.

Each step creates a variable based on the name of the step. You can then use the members of each variable for status conditions such as: steps.MyUnitTests.result == 'error' for a step called MyUnitTests.

To access variables that have non-standard names with only alphanumeric and underscore (_) characters, use the Variable() function.

Step-member variables

Variables that are created by steps can have members. The members depend on the step type.
For example, if you have a build step named myBuildStep, you can get the ID of the docker image that is created, with echo ${{steps.myBuildStep.imageId}}.

Step Type Members
All step types
  • name
  • type
  • description
  • workingDirectory
  • result
Freestyle -
Composition -
  • imageName
  • imageTagName
  • imageId
  • revision
  • repo
  • registry
  • imageId
  • imageRepoDigest
  • authEntity.type

GitHub release variables

GitHub allows you to create releases to mark specific Git tags for general availability.

You can set a trigger for GitHub releases. When there is a GitHub release, the following variables are also available:

Variable Description
${{CF_RELEASE_NAME}} The GitHub release title.
${{CF_RELEASE_TAG}} The Git tag version.
${{CF_RELEASE_ID}} The internal ID for the release.
${{CF_PRERELEASE_FLAG}} Indicates if the release is production-ready or not.
true: The release is marked as non-production ready.
false: The release is ready for production.

GitHub Pull Request variables

The table lists the variables available when a PR (Pull Request) is closed in GitHub.

Variable Description
true: The PR was merged to base branch.
false: The PR was not merged.
${{CF_PULL_REQUEST_HEAD_BRANCH}} The head branch of the PR, which is the branch to be merged to master.
${{CF_PULL_REQUEST_MERGED_COMMIT_SHA}} The commit SHA on the base branch after the PR was merged. In most cases it will be the master.
${{CF_PULL_REQUEST_HEAD_COMMIT_SHA}} The commit SHA on the head branch, which is the branch to push to master.

Gerrit changeId & change message variables

Gerrit has no explicit concept of PRs as in other version control systems to map trigger event payloads to builds. Instead, Gerrit uses Changes which serves a similar purpose and functionality as PRs. You can achieve the same functionality in Codefresh with our CF_PULL_REQUEST group of environment variables.

Variable Description
${{CF_PULL_REQUEST_ID}} The change identified by the change-Id.
${{CF_PULL_REQUEST_TARGET}} The target branch of the pull request.
For Gerrit, use this in place of Change target branch name.
${{CF_PULL_REQUEST_COMMENT}} The comment added to the pull request.
For Gerrit, use this in place of Change message.
${{CF_PULL_REQUEST_COMMENT_AUTHOR}} The user who added the comment to the pull request.
For Gerrit, use this in place of Change author.

User-defined variables

User-defined variables are custom variables you add to Codefresh entities such as projects, pipelines, build triggers, and manual build runs.
You create such variables manually or by importing predefined variables from files (see How to). You can also create empty variables, without any values.

Empty user-defined variables

Codefresh allows you to add variables with just the key definitions, without values. The values are automatically populated during pipeline execution or defined manually. You can add empty variables to:

  • Projects
  • Pipelines
  • Build triggers

Encryption is not supported for empty variables.

Import user-defined variables in bulk

Add custom variables in bulk by pasting them into the text editor or by importing them from a file.

  • Import from text
    This is a quick option to add variables defined locally or in specific environments to a pipeline. You simply copy the set of variables and paste them into the text editor.

  • Import from file
    Importing from a file is useful when you have a file containing the predefined variables.

Order of precedence for user-defined variables

In Codefresh, becuase you can add user-defined variables to different entities, variable definitions are available at levels.

If the variable with the same name is defined at multiple levels, the override rules are based on the priority of the variable. Variables at levels with higher priority override those at levels with lower priority.

For example if a pipeline variable is defined both within a project, and as an execution parameter of a specific build, the final result will be the value of the variable defined as a build parameter. The project-level variable is ignored.

Listed below are the different levels for user-defined variables in order of priority, from the highest to the lowest.

  1. Steps
    • export command
      Within the current step using export, or in any subsequent step using cf_export commands.
    • freestyle steps with environment field.

    Step-level variables with export take precedence over freestyle-step variables with environment.

  2. Builds
    • Within a specific build execution from the Codefresh UI or from the CLI.
  3. Pipeline
  4. Shared-configurations
  5. Projects

The variables are injected into pipelines from different sources and at different levels. To view the variables actually used by a specific build of the pipeline, see Viewing variables in pipeline builds.

Create user-defined variables

Create user-defined variables by selecting the target entity and then adding the variables.

Step 1: Select entity to which to add variables

You can create user-defined variables for projects, pipelines, build runs, and steps.

  • Projects
    In the row with the Project to which to add variables, click the Settings icon, and then click the Variables tab.

Adding user-defined variables to projects

Adding user-defined variables to projects
  • Pipelines
    • In the row with the Pipeline to which to add variables, click the Settings icon.
    • On the right, click Variables.

Adding user-defined variables to pipelines

Adding user-defined variables to pipelines
  • Steps
    • Select the pipeline.
    • In the Workflow tab, add the variable with the correct syntax to the step as required.
  • Builds
    • From the Builds page, in the Pipelines column, click the pipeline name.
    • Click Run.
    • Expand Build Variables.

Adding user-defined variables to build runs

Adding user-defined variables to build runs

Step 2: Add variables

Add variables manually by defining them as key-value pairs, or by importing them from files.

When adding variables, manually or through import, you can add/include empty variables, that is add only the key for the variable and leave the value empty to be dynamically or manually populated. Apart from empty variables, you can also encrypt sensitive variables for reasons of security.

  1. To manually add variables, click Add Variable.
    • To add the variable with its default value, enter the key-value pair.
    • To add an empty variable without a default value, simply type the key.

Example of empty variable in project

Example of empty variable in project
  1. (Applies only to projects and pipelines) To import by copy and paste, click Import from Text:
    • Copy the set of variables to add.
    • Paste into the text editor.
    • Click Import
  1. (Applies only to projects and pipelines) To import them from a file, click Import from File:
    • Browse to the file to import, and then click Import.
  1. Click Save.
  2. To encrypt the variables (not supported for empty variables), click lock icon Encrypt, and confirm.

Exporting environment variables from a freestyle step

Steps defined within steps are scoped to the step within which they were created, even when using the export command.
To use variables across steps, we provide a shared file through which you can import and export variables.

There are two ways to add variables to the shared file:

  • Using the cf_export command
  • Writing directly to the file

Exporting variables with cf_export

Within every freestyle step, the cf_export command allows you to export variables across steps by writing to the shared variables file.

Variables exported through cf_export override those at the pipeline-level.

You can either:

  • Explicitly state a VAR=VAL pair
  • State the name of an existing exported environment variable, for example, EXISTING_VAR
version: '1.0'
    description: Freestyle step..
    title: Free styling
    image: alpine:latest
      # Normal export will only work in a single step
      - export

      # CF export will now work in all other subsequent steps
      - cf_export VAR1=alpine:latest VAR2=VALUE2 EXISTING_VAR

    description: Freestyle step..
    title: Free styling 2
    image: ${{VAR1}}
      - echo $VAR2
      - echo http://$EXISTING_VAR/index.php

By default, cf_export variables work only on subsequent steps, meaning the steps that follow the step in which the variable is defined.
To export a variable both to the current step and to all the remaining steps, do the following:

export MY_VAR='example' # Makes MY_VAR available in this step only
cf_export MY_VAR='example' # Makes MY_VAR available also to all steps after this one

There is nothing really magical about cf_export. It is a normal script. You can see its contents on your own by entering the command cat /codefresh/volume/cf_export on any Codefresh freestyle step inside a pipeline.

cf_export syntax

cf_export has the same syntax as the bash export command. This means that when you use cf_export, you don’t need to add dollar signs for the variable that is created/assigned.

cf_export $MY_VAR # Don't do this
cf_export MY_VAR # Correct syntax

Masking variables within cf_export

Mask variables within cf_export by defining the --mask flag.
Values of masked variables in cf_export commands are replaced with asterisks in the build logs. This helps to ensure that sensitive information is not exposed also in the variables list, in addition to the logs.

Here is an example with standard and masked versions of the same variable in cf_export commands.

version: '1.0'
    description: Freestyle step..
    title: Free styling
    image: alpine:latest
      - export EXISTING_VAR=some-value

      - cf_export VAR1=alpine:latest VAR2=VALUE2 EXISTING_VAR --mask #masked version

Multi-line variables with cf_export

When exporting a multi-line variable using cf_export, to prevent truncation, encode it in base64.

version: "1.0"
    image: alpine
      - apk add --update coreutils
      - export TEST=`echo "line1" && echo "line2" && echo "line3"`
      - echo $TEST
      - cf_export TEST=`echo $TEST | base64 -w 0`
    image: alpine
      - echo $TEST
      - echo `echo $TEST | base64 -d`

Directly writing to the file

For more advanced use cases, you can write directly to the shared variable file that Codefresh reads to understand which variables need to be available to all steps.

This file has a simple format where each line is a variable, and its value in the form of VARIABLE=VALUE.
The cf_export command mentioned in the previous section is just a shorthand for writing on this file.

The variables file is available inside freestyle steps in the following path: ${{CF_VOLUME_PATH}}/env_vars_to_export.

version: '1.0'
    description: Freestyle step..
    title: Free styling
    image: alpine:latest
      - echo VAR1= >> ${{CF_VOLUME_PATH}}/env_vars_to_export
      - echo hey=alpine:3.9 >> ${{CF_VOLUME_PATH}}/env_vars_to_export

    description: Freestyle step..
    title: Free styling 2
    image: ${{hey}}
      - echo http://$VAR1/index.php

Use this technique if you have complex expressions that have issues with the cf_export command.

Use the CF_OUTPUT_URL variable to export any external in the form of a URL.

This variable can be useful to output the URL of the parent pipeline, and navigate from the child to the parent build. Remember that Codefresh has native support to trigger child builds from parent builds, and to navigate from the parent to the child build through the codefresh-run plugin (link).

Add CF_OUTPUT_URL with cf_export

Simply add a step to the child build with an in-step link to the parent build. The URL link to the parent build is displayed as part of the step details in the Builds page.

Create a link to the parent-build using cf_export and CF_OUTPUT_URL.

Add the following step at the beginning of the pipeline.

The name of the variable exported by cf_export must have the format <name|key_of_step>_CF_OUTPUT_URL. It’s value is the URL of the parent build to link to.

        image: codefresh/cli
          - export parentBuildId=$(codefresh get annotation build ${{CF_BUILD_ID}} cf_predecessor -o json | jq -r '.value')
          - cf_export linkToParentBuild_CF_OUTPUT_URL="${{CF_URL}}/build/${parentBuildId}"

In the Builds page, the step details of the child build displays the Output URL which is the link to the parent build, as in the image below.

Output URL link

Output URL link

Masking variables in logs

Codefresh has the built-in capability to automatically mask encyrpted variables in logs. In build logs, the values of encrypted variables are replaced with asterisks.

Masked variables

Masked variables

The variables can be defined in any of the usual ways Codefresh offers, such as shared configuration or within the pipeline:

Encrypted variables

Encrypted variables

NOTE This feature is currently available only in Enterprise accounts.

Escape special characters in variables

When passing special characters through environment variables, use \ as an escape character.
For example, to pass a Cassandra connection string, you might do something like Points\=hostname\;Port\=16376\;Username\=user\;Password\=password.

This will safely escape ; and =.

Steps in pipelines
Conditional execution of steps